Year 2012

There has been some speculations about the year 2012. Some are saying, it's gonna be the end of the world, while others think there will  be a tragic event that will lead to mass death. But what is it really about? Who started all these? Well, here are some facts that I would like to share with you.

Who started it?

Zecharia Sitchin, a self-proclaimed ancient languages scholar  and an author of books promoting an explanation for human origins, wrote a book entitled "The 12th Planet". He theorized that there is an extra planet which was called Nibiru. He claims that Nibiru passes through our solar system every 3600 years. The followers of Sitchin’s ideas also refer to Nibiru as “Planet X”, the name given to a planet that is allegedly located within our solar system but beyond Pluto. Adherents to the “returning Planet X hypothesis” believe the return of this wandering planet will bring cataclysmic consequences to earth which they say will happen on December 21, 2012.

However, Sitchin's speculations are entirely discounted by professional scientists, historians, and archaeologists, who note many problems with his translations of ancient texts and with his understanding of physics.

How did it all started?

The announcement, on July 30th 2005, that a new celestial body has been discovered made media news around the world and the reports written in the headline --“Astronomers Claim Discovery of 10th Planet.The announcement by a Caltech astronomer, Michael Brown, said that he and two colleagues, scanning the heavens in 2003, found a celestial body (designated 2003-UB-313) that they now realize might be larger than Pluto (the ninth planet) and thus qualify as the 10th planet in our solar system. Lacking many vital data except that it orbits the Sun at a very steep angle to the ecliptic (the orbital plane of Earth and other planets) and is now about 9 billion miles from us, the discovery’s announcement was explained as prompted by concern that a computer hacker, a “rogue astronomer”, or a team of Spanish astronomers claiming to have found such a body (that they designated 2003-EL-61) would pre-empt the Brown team.

So where are we heading?

Well, we have heard a lot about doomsday. If you may recall, the same thing was said about Y2K, and yet, we still exist. Why would we worry about things that are beyond our control? Why don't we focus on things that are in our hands --like making sure that we live a life pleasing to our God so we're assured that even it happens, we will end up in good hands. :-)


Donald Serrano said...

wow! PR1 kana! congratz!


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